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世界海关组织一体化供应链管理指南 中英对照(翻译介绍)

作者:睿库研究发布时间:2018-08-07 17:21:25


世界海关组织及响应其成员及八国集团、世界海事组织等国际组织机构的号召,并在 2002 年 6 月举行的海关理事会上通过了关于供应链安全和贸易便利化的决议。决议出台了一系列措施,以保护国际贸易供应链免受恐怖主义和其他犯罪活动的打击,同时寻求建立各项便利化原则。


The increasing threat of international terrorism and organised cross-border crime

requires the enhancement of existing border and frontier controls and effective

national and international co-operation between Customs, other law enforcement

agencies and business. The greatest challenge for Customs will be to offer facilitated

treatment of the vast majority of international cargo movements and passenger traffic,

while identifying and dealing with the small percentage that pose a genuine risk to


The WCO has immediately responded to the call for action from WCO Members and

international bodies such as the Group of Eight (G8) and the International Maritime

Organization (IMO) by adopting the Resolution on Supply Chain Security and Trade

Facilitation at the June 2002 Council Sessions. The WCO Resolution addresses a

series of steps to protect the international trade supply chain from acts of terrorism or

other criminal activities, while pursuing established facilitation principles.

Risk management, one of the core principles of modern Customs co-operation,

developed by the WCO in the revised Kyoto Convention, enables Customs to

exercise adequate controls with minimum hindrance to legitimate trading. The

Resolution established a Task Force of Customs and business experts to work in

close consultation with other stakeholders including trade and intergovernmental

organizations in developing among others these Guidelines on Integrated Supply

Chain Management based on the Revised Kyoto Convention and its implementing


TEC2017005世界海关组织一体化供应链管理指南 中英对照.pdf

